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Free shipping from 50 € in Germany, from 100 € in Europe – Enjoy your shopping!


Kantaron yağı, yüzyıllardır geleneksel yöntemlerle hazırlanan, doğadan elde edilen bir yağ olarak bilinir. Doğal içeriği sayesinde günlük bakım rutininize nazikçe ekleyebileceğiniz bu yağ, cilt, saç ve diğer bakım alanlarında destek sağlayabilir.

Tannenzapfen ist seit vielen Jahren eine einzigartige natürliche Heilquelle, die in der traditionellen Medizin und alternativen Behandlungsmethoden eingesetzt wird.

Children are active and full of energy - their immune system and skin therefore require special care. The cypress cone paste for children is a 100% natural mixture of valuable plant extracts, honey, propolis and vitamins that supports the immune system, soothes the respiratory tract and cares for sensitive skin.

Thanks to the unique combination of cypress cone extract (30%), raw flower honey, date syrup, turmeric, ginger, echinacea, propolis and other natural ingredients, this paste offers gentle but effective support for your child's health.